A talented lawyer

1/2021 - Scritto da E.r. in favore di Pierfrancesco Moriconi

Recensione positiva: I would like to advise and recommend legal professional Mr Pierfrancesco Moriconi (...) for any legal requirements. Mr Moriconi is an English speaking, very friendly and extremely talented lawyer. I had a very complicated business and property problem in Italy which required legal intervention (...) The moment Pierfrancesco Moriconi took our case he gave excellent advice and set our minds at ease that we could get a satisfactory conclusion. The case had many twists and turns and Pierfrancesco worked tirelessly, often over and above his normal duty to get us a satisfactory conclusion. I cannot thank Pierfrancesco enough not only for finding a solution but also offering excellent advice at times when my confidence had waned due to the actions of our former business partners. Friendly and accurate advice with unwavering support led us through these difficult times. Thank you again Mr Pierfrancesco Moriconi.

* testo recensione trascritto manualmente dal professionista

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Pierfrancesco Moriconi

Avvocato civilista


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