Cittadinanza iure sanguinis “against the Queue

Scritto da: Michela De Palma - Pubblicato su IUSTLAB

Pubblicazione legale:

“Against the Queue” refers to a legal approach for individuals seeking Italian citizenship through jure sanguinis (right of blood) who face prolonged waiting times for appointments at Italian consulates. Italian law mandates that consulates provide citizenship appointments within two years; however, many consulates have backlogs extending well beyond this period. In response, eligible applicants can file a lawsuit directly in an Italian court to bypass the consular waiting list, a process known as “Against the Queue.” This legal action allows applicants to have their citizenship claims addressed without waiting for consular appointments and without the need to travel to Italy. 

To be eligible for this process, individuals must:

Be fully eligible for Italian citizenship through jure sanguinis.

Demonstrate that their local consulate is not offering citizenship appointments within the legally required timeframe.

By pursuing the “Against the Queue” route, applicants can expedite their citizenship recognition, circumventing the often lengthy consular queues. 

I follow such cases and I have received many acceptance judgments at various Italian courts

Pubblicato da:

Michela De Palma

Matrimonialista e divorzista


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